About Myself

Hello I thought a good way to start would be to introduce myself and tell you what my goals are as my jewellery making career continues.

First thing is that I love to build things and secondly I love rocks, so now that I’ve found jewellery making I do not intend to give this up for many years to come. Its been an unusual journey to get here and I never even thought about it as a career when I was younger. The original plan after high school was to become a architect, that changed pretty fast and I fell into a career of cooking for the next 12 years. Tired of cuts and burns I switched to trades for the next 20ish years in various form including framing and cribbing with a few other odd jobs thrown in the mix to change things up from time to time, still always working with my hands.

It was during training for a guard position, I met a friend that reintroduced me to fishing after many years, this is where it started. We went fishing and the fly rod that I purchased was not great so I mentioned that I thought I could build a better one, I ended up building fly rods for 7 years as a part time company. Through the fly rods I found a love for gold and silver smithing and that I could create jewellery that was of a high quality, at least that is what I’ve been told. I am very detail oriented and must have everything just right for the finished product. To further along my craft I attended the Revere Academy of Jewellery Arts spending an amazing and mind numbing month in two sessions the first trip was 21 days with only 3 day in total off from classes then trip two was 10 days later for 10 days with no days off from classes. when I arrived it was quick introductions and here are the projects we have minimal time to get these done and go. It was a sad day when I heard the news that the school was closing as Alan wanted to retire. I am always looking to learn more in this field and because of that I am sure that I will continue this path until I can not continue.


The Process